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One on one care using Plants & Food as Medicine while shifting Mindset & Energy at the Cellular Level.

One on one holistic coaching

Wellness Services

Herbal remedies and healthy living supports

Wellness Products

Services that support healing through energy

Wellness Community

We are a Christian based Holistic care provider. Through the use of Herbalism, Nutrition, Ayurveda, Cell Energy and Emotional Release Therapy we dig down to root cause to provide health from the ground up throughout

Mind + Body + Environment

A clean lifestyle desires products for yourself & home that are free of toxins and negative ingredients. Shop here for alternatives.


Remedies, Supplements and

Clean Living options

Join a community to journey together as support to one another. Enjoy classes, community and special offerings. Holistic professional? Bring your services for wellness to Living Holistic by Heritage Havens with the goal to bring holistic services, & natural living to those in our community.

Resources and education
One on One Personalized Coaching

Do you have specific needs or health concerns to address with one on one care?

Let’s begin this journey by booking your consult with us today.


“So much can change with natural lifestyle, Mindset shifting and Plant Medicine when we dedicate to the process.”


As a Christian based holistic provider we offer.. Ayurveda, Nutrition, Herbalism, Yoga and Breath work as well as SRT Therapy for trauma healing, limiting beliefs and mindset. A wonderful tool we use to educate us on the body is AO technology. AO allows us to report on all body sysytems and function to address root cause. Another tool AO technology provides us with is proper cellular energy with the ability through bio-feedback to optimize the energies within your cells to create coherency throughout the body.


These specialties combined gives us an ability to look at the bodies wellness in a full scope. The mind through thinking patterns and hormone control, the body between system function and system levels, as well as the environment and how those factors contribute to either your health or your illness. We can work together in stopping illness and disease before it manifests in the body using healing modalities God intended for our bodies. I have absolutely loved working with everyone from little children age 3 to the elderly..


Working with an entire family is always a beautiful experience as we can shift the protectory of an entire families lives to improved health and happiness.

Currently based out of Montgomery county Texas, however am able to work virtually around the world to change lives. Follow our website for an array of handcrafted holistic products or to book with us and take advantage of the services offered.


With many blessings - Alisha

Holistic Practitioner certified in multiple cultural healing modalities

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  • Bioresonance interpreting energy frequency throughout the body. Balance Body Systems/Track Imbalance

    1 hr

Ayurveda & how it ties to the body

One of the great healing modalities that we employ is Ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient form of medicine. Therapies such as Yoga, Self Massage and more are all born from Ayurveda teachings. Ayurveda believes there are three doshas (Genetic type) in total: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Their energies are believed to circulate in the body and govern physical, mental and emotional characteristics. Each person has a dominant dosha or combination of doshas. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is believed that health is achieved through balancing the three doshas. As the different doshas are associated with different areas of the body. 

Our quiz is designed to find your "Dosha" or genetic type. This way you can customize modalities, herbs and nutrition to fit your specific genetics.


Contact Us

Our success is measured by your level of satifaction. Get in touch today and find out how we can help set you on the path to better health.


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